Tom Price is a long time friend of the YSG Family. Going to school with one of our Co Founders Dylan Marshall. He has been inspired by his sister’s journey with the NICU to embark on his own journey: running 50 marathons in 50 days to raise money. And incredible feat and an amazing mission. We wanted to hare a bit about his story and inspire you to go and read more. As well as the exciting offer we have in place to give to this cause.

Tom’s sister Zoe had a beautiful baby girl Sylvie, but she came into the world prematurely at only 21 weeks and 5 days, only weighing 628 grams. What followed was 134 days of distress and worry for Zoe and her partner Gray having to watch their fragile daughter be given life-saving support from the nurses and doctors at the Royal Womenā€™s Hospital in Melbourne.

But Sylvie is not alone. 8 out of 100 babies are born prematurely. The danger and risk to their health and survival increases the shorter the gestation period ā€“ and every day counts. With weaker immune systems and underdeveloped organs, every day is a fight for their life. It would be a desperate task without the incredible help from the NICU. 


Tom, inspired by his sister and young niece’s fight, decided he wanted to do something to honour them and all the hard work from the nurses and doctors at the NICU. Since the 9th of December, he has been running a marathon a day to riase money. His innital goal was 50,000 but that has now been surpassed and has reached at this point, $80000! However, every dollar helps in achieving life-saving care. In his final week, we have offered to donate all the profit when you buy the Micthell. A classic suit that will suit any occasion, and every time year wear it you will be reminded of the difference you made in a little one’s life. Click below to get your suit or to find out more about Tom’s journey and donate yourself.

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